Hack Drag Racer v2

Got bored and decided to 'play' a good ol' flash game.

Play Drag Racer V2 here.

  1. Start a new game.
  2. Press 'Save'
  3. Copy the save code
  4. Enter the copied save code into here in the INPUT box
  5. Press 'Decode'
  6. Change whatever you want in the OUTPUT box. (it's usually found at the bottom) ie. PC - Player Cash, LVL - Level, CN - Car Name, WT - Weight, TQ - Torque, HP - Horse Power
  7. Copy the code in the OUTPUT box and paste it into the INPUT box
  8. Press 'Encode'
  9. Copy the code in the OUTPUT box
  10. Quit the game or re-open Drag Racer V2
  11. Press 'Continue' and paste the code
Note:If you are encountering a warning, ignore the warning. It is safe.
THE END. Have fun!
